


3:27am  I just stumbled onto this vid on Odysee and I am only 15 minutes into this guy's vid and it's some good sheet, mang..

The Truth About Everything: The Day After the (R)evolutions 

Let me transcribe a little.

***Okay, that's enough for now.  Gonna keep listening.
(12-18-23  6:07pm  Today THIS random vid was recommended titled India Sucks! Don't Ever Come Here.  It talks about and shows you tuk-tuks(which Illumignostic mentions being in Peru too).

 After listening to just a little bit I thought, "I have found my general!"  


     I am listening to another good Illumignostiic Odysee vid from November 28.  This guy seems so spot-on.  Do I trust him fully?  No!  Everything with a grain o    f salt  The dark-side's MO has always been to indirectly, whisperingly, tell us exactly what they are doing.  Remember the false-prophet quotes.  Hiding in plain sight.  Either way, this guy provokes thought HARDCORE.  

     Last March I tested some truthers, Serg Mesa and Fag Potter, to be specific, who have totally ignored me.  I am weeding out disinformants, please don't be one.  Please email me, Illumignostic dude.  

     I pray to LOVE you are legitimate and here to help, because you spit some raw flow.  I still can't help but get that too-good-to-be-true feeling hearing you say what I think(for the most part).

     My Tita has experienced five ayahusasca ceremonies.  Me just one, without much effect due to my present impurities, I figger,  I remember everything becoming pixelated, but not much else.   Also, my ayahuasca experience was in a lame garage, not out in nature where it was supposed to be, I felt ripped-off in the end.


     I am so delighted to hear my thoughts and beliefs(and so many others') coming out of this righteous gringo's mouth.  ¡El esta con nosotros!  I just got done typing up the first ten minute of the vid I started yesterday.  Enjoy!  

The Truth About Everything: Is a Meaningful (R)evolution Possible?


I spent all day mostly typing up this awesome boulder for my sling.  Thank you Illumignostic!  

Christianity is the Most Evil Influence in Human History, with Proof!


Woohoo!  Illunignostic posted a sequel!  

Christianity is the Most Evil Influence in Human History, pt 2, Plus, the Truth about The Devil

3:00pm Just finished transcribing, if you would rather read it instead.


1 comment:

  1. I know the real truth and it's way weirder than you can imagine.

