


                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Wednesday August 22, 2007
     7:32am  I woke up early this morning. I went to bed around ten forty five or something. Today I'm going to get thirty bucks for helping out this Mark guy my mom hired to move that mountain of shingles 

on the sidewalk. He's going to front me thirty bucks, so I'm going to get some weed.

     7:54am  I am wandering out of the house today. It's been like a month since I left the house. I need to be walking again. I'm going to go manifest me a sack of weed. I'm thinking about going to New Territories somewhere. I wonder if Bob still lives at the same house. I wonder what he's been up to all this time. Oh yeah, I got my boots today! They're friggin' badass. Shit, I forgot my water bottle. I'm going back.

     8:06am  Coming up on the Citgo. Man, I just fly with these boots. I asked AK if he knew where to get any weed at the Church's. I still have ten bucks. I'm just going back home.

     9:30pm  I thought I'd walk down to the Citgo on Dover Ridge and ask people if they knew where to score any weed. I went up Point's Edge just to see if Bob still lived there. I wondered if I would even recognize his house. I didn't even know if he still lived there. Then I saw his big truck. Ah, he still lives there. Actually, he was in the garage with a couple of his friends and he smoked me out. His friend Esam is over here and he's fixing Bob's lawnmower. TIG Welder, is it? Tungsten Inert Gas. I'll put a link to that. I'll look it up on Wikipedia. Umm, Bob got me stoned. Like the good 'ol days. Thanks a lot, Bo. Everybody gets credit.
     10:01pm  The most glorious thing happened. I manifested me some high. I walked past Bob's house and hung out there for a while. He smoked two joints with me! His friend Esam was there. He wouldn't listen to me at all. He was the epitome of what I'm preaching. He totally told me no when I asked him if he was willing to listen. I wasn't even through the introduction and he totally went off on some other subject. He just cut me off. I butted back in with, "Hey, can I take a turn?" I got to the part where I asked him if he was willing to listen and he said, "Nah, man. Everybody's got their own way. There's nothing wrong with being content, and I'm content. I just don't give a fuck." I took his picture 

and everything. He wouldn't listen to me at all.

                     You know what? I missed Bo.


I missed Bob a lot. It was really good to see him again. He's my pal. He smoked me out. I told him, "You made my day Bo. Thanks a lot." When I left he told me, "Be good." I told him that was the only way I knew how to be. Oh yeah, tomorrow I'm supposed to help Mark move the shingles. He's only going to give me thirty bucks. He told me he was going to drop the trailer off today, but he never came. At first he said he was going to give me fifty if I did it all by myself. Then he said he would help me, that he needed the money. Oh yeah, and I got another job. After I finish with the shingles I'm going to go over to Bob's and help him move all these branches in his backyard and he'll get me stoned, so I'm going to. Just like the good old days(1-27-05-8:49pm, 1-30-05-6:04pm, 2-21-05-8:17pm, 2-23-05-7:58pm, 3-4-05-8:03pm, 3-9-05-8:26am, 3-19-05-2:56pm, 5-26-05-8:28pm). Oh yeah, then I started reminiscing about something that I had seen at Bob's house that I never saw anywhere else. I remembered he played some game in the backyard. It wasn't horseshoes. It was washers(3-14-05-4:44pm)! He had these boards set up in the backyard and he would toss washers into holes in the boards. All these memories came flooding back. I'll put tons of links to that.

     10:09pm  I'm cutting through the New Territories Park right now. Let me see what time it is. I remember this walk. I miss this walk. I totally missed San Antonio so much. I'm thinking about ending my online portion and start taking off walking downtown every other day again. I've kind of been sketched out and paranoid, but I don't give a shit. I'm going to take tons of pictures too. I just realized I can take shitloads of pictures now. I've been used to only having twenty seven at a time at my disposal. I've already been used to having to conserve them. But now I have over one gigabyte of memory. I can take pictures up my ass(and post them on the web, hehe)!

                     Oh yeah, Bob told Esam about that time when I cleaned up all the trash in his backyard(5-26-05-8:28pm). At least he told him that story. It's cool that I have given Bob something to remember me by.

                     He told me that one time I brought some black chick over there and that I was all macking on her. I told him I didn't remember that at all. I have to look that shit up(2-21-05-8:17pm).

     10:32pm  I just took pictures of the soles of my boots. My new 


and my old 



Can you tell the difference? I had to lay a lamp on the floor so I could get some good lighting.

                     It just dawned on me. With this camera I now have so much work to do. I'm thinking I'm just going to throw my pictures on there untitled and people can look through them. That is, until I get a chance to organize them and link them. Maybe when I come back to San Antonio or I might be able to score me a good workstation on the East Coast. I don't know when I'm going to update the journal. Pretty soon. I have the HTML files ready, just not posted. I am really getting excited. I went out today and walked. I want to walk downtown a couple times right before I leave, with my new camera! I'm going to have so much fun taking pictures left and right. I am almost done completely proofreading my website. Well, as complete as possible. It will never be totally complete when everyday is a new chapter. I'm going backwards in my proofreading. Today I was reading 2003 and all these memories are flooding back to me. I can do this all day. I have been. Dude, I'm going to have so much friggin' work to do pretty soon. I'm going to get assassinated! Hehe. I hope I don't jynx it by saying that. I don't give a damn though. Just think of all the magical blessings that I've had over the years. For example, how I was introduced to these boots in Portland and because of those boots I was able to do some great work in that town. I walked all around and flew my sign and helped Chris in his garden. It was a regular roller coaster. I keep using that adjective to describe it. There were a lot more ups than down. Hell, there weren't any downs at all. Everything went my way. I'm here in my room recording myself. I should go to sleep because I have a lot of work to do in the morning. I hope this Mark guy shows up early tomorrow. Alright, I should go to bed. I'm going to check my email first.

                     I was thinking on the walk up here that I'm just visiting. I don't live at my mom's house. I'm just visiting.

Next day..

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